Who is a Town Builder?

A Town Builder member is an individual or a principal of a company engaged in the process of acquiring land, developing a plan, building a neighborhood or town based upon the principles of smart growth. The Town Builder may be in the process for his or her own interest or in a joint venture, or as a major fee developer.

What are Town Builders Building?
Town Builders are pursuing a wide variety of projects, touching on all aspects of residential, commercial, retail and civic development. Some projects may be small and others quite large, but all are based upon the New Urbanist principles of Smart Growth.
Where do Town Builders work?
Town Builders are working all across the country – in small towns and cities, and in large urban centers.
Why should I be a Town Builder?
Town Builders can learn a great deal from one another when sharing ideas and inspiration in a collegial setting. Town Builders will improve the quality of everyone’s work by supporting each other’s efforts. Today’s Town Builders will influence and inspire those starting projects tomorrow.